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How to convert CAD files online?

CloudConvert converts your CAD files online. Amongst many others, we support DWG, DXF and PDF. No need to download any software. DWG stands for drawing and this file format is a common format for Computer Aided Design (CAD). It is used for storing 2D and 3D drawings.

What file formats does Marvin support?

Marvin supports popular industry file formats. Our command-line program, Molconvert, converts chemical file formats in batches to simplify the process, and is also capable of creating images. Determine the physical-chemical properties of your structures via chemical calculations.

Is Marvin a good chemical drawing software?

Draw with Marvin, import, edit, and export your chemical structures effortlessly from one simple application. Marvin is one of the world’s most widely used and trusted chemical drawing software, utilized daily by over 100,000 scientists, researchers, start-ups and Fortune 500 organizations, including top 20 pharmaceutical companies.

How do I use MarvinView?

Simply copy and paste a drawing, double click, and edit without opening up the desktop application. MarvinView displays single or multiple compounds, molecules, structures, and reactions in a view-only list. This is perfect for users who don’t need to perform hands-on chemical drawing, and want to display any number of structures simultaneously.

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